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Linda Gumelar Proposes Kespro to Be Included into Curriculum

Linda Gumelar Proposes Kespro to Be Included into Curriculum

Sabtu, 10/11/2018

Jakarta, - According to data, 1 in 8 women (about 12%) in the United States are at risk of developing breast cancer and will develop the cancer throughout their lives.While in Indonesia, only 14 years of age have detected breast cancer. Even 1 in 1000 Indonesian men get breast cancer. Because of that, it should be included in the reproductive curriculum in school."It is better if you start early knowing about reproductive rights, so you can detect them early," said Linda Agum Gumelar from the Indonesian Cancer Foundation in Jakarta, Saturday (10/27 2018).The woman who once served as the Minister of Women`s Empowerment and Child Protection in the United Indonesia II Cabinet revealed that when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 1996, she felt it was not easy to deal with it. "My life is said to be 40%. I ask God to be given healing," she said.Besides 2017 data, it is estimated that there are around 252,710 new cases of invasive breast cancer, which are diagnosed in women in the United States, and there are as many as 63,410 new cases of noninvasive (in situ) breast cancer. There are around 2,470 new cases for invasive breast cancer, which are estimated to be diagnosed in men in 2017. The risk of suffering from this cancer for life in a man has the possibility of a comparison of about 1 in 1,000 people.
