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By 2030 Breast Cancer Explodes in Developing Countries

By 2030 Breast Cancer Explodes in Developing Countries

Senin, 26/02/2018

The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that in 2030 there will be a cancer explosion in the developing world, including breast cancer that attacks women.This was revealed by Dr Martha Royda Manurung from Dharmais Cancer Hospital to reporters in Jakarta, Friday (02/02/2018). According to her, Indonesia is one of the developing countries that also experienced an increase in the incidence of cancer. For breast cancer, 70% of patients in Indonesia are detected at an advanced stage. This has an impact on the cost burden borne by BPJS which reaches more than 1 trillion in a year, so if found at an early stage it will certainly greatly reduce the burden of medical expenses."The problem in Indonesia is that not all women know how to detect breast cancer early. Generally the symptoms are known as lumps, changes in the structure of the breast skin for example there are basins, discharge from the nipple or the size of the right and left breast are not the same, "he said during a Mammography examination to commemorate World Cancer Day which falls every February 4.Dr. Martha explained that the most common risk factors for breast cancer are hormonal factors, including menstruation before the age of 12 years, pregnant with the first child over the age of 30 years, never pregnant and breastfeeding, late manopuse at more than 50 years of age, and hormonal birth control. "They are advised to routinely conduct early detection, including those who have had a history of benign breast tumors," explained Dr. Martha.The Chairperson of YKPI, Linda Gumelar said (YKPI) held free mammography examinations for the media and families. About 50 journalists from various media in Jakarta, coordinated by the Ngobras Forum, seemed enthusiastic to take part in the mammography examination that took place at the YKPI Secretariat in the number Jl. Panglima Polim, South Jakarta. The age range of participants is between 35-50 years."YKPI routinely conducts free mammography since having a mobile mammography unit in 2005 with a small bus. In 2015 the YKPI mammography unit was equipped with the latest tools. "The mammography bus travels around to the health center throughout Jakarta, in collaboration with the Dharmais Cancer Hospital," she said.YKPI data for 2016, of 2,515 examined, found 1.2% of the results of suspected malignant tumors and 14.8% of those suspected of being benign tumors. In 2017 more were examined reaching 3,160 patients. In fact, until December 2017, out of 3,160 examined, there were 1.4% suspected of malignant tumors."Even though only 1.4% is statistically insignificant, however small they are humans. A life that can be saved means a lot. So for YKPI this is purely social work to help Indonesian women from the threat of breast cancer, "said Linda. (Reference link:
